Wow! Battle Spell Mobile Legends 'Flameshot' Re-adjusted

GridGames.ID – Just revamped some time ago, the Battle Spell Flameshot in Mobile Legends has been adjusted again.

This Battle Spell has changed its name and stats for 2 times, namely Weaken to Scout which later became Flameshot.

It turns out that not only Flameshot was adjusted in the Mobile Legends update, Vengeance was also adjusted as well.

Also Read: These Two Battle Spells in Mobile Legends Have Changed, What Are Their Functions?

The following explains the adjustment of the Battle Spell Flameshot and Vengeance.


Battle Spell Flameshot


Battle Spell Flameshot

This Battle Spell has reduced cooldown time from 75 seconds to 60 seconds, and the display effect will be optimized when the target is knocked back.

The damage has also been adjusted from 150 + 60 Magic Bonus – 300 + 80% Magic Bonus to 200 + 80% Magic Bonus – 350 + 140% Magic Bonus.

In addition, this Battle Spell also added a new effect that can cause a slow effect to targets that hit it by 30% for 1 second.


Battle Spell Vengeance


Battle Spell Vengeance

Just like Flameshot, the Vengeance-type Battle Spell also reduces the default cooldown time when countering attacks on the same target from 0.5 seconds to 0.4 seconds.

Increases damage from 150 + 9*hero level to 250 + 15*hero level.

Then the percentage of HP Regen Vengeance was also increased from 25% to 30%.

Also Read: Must Know! This is the function of the 12 Battle Spells in Mobile Legends


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