Rarely Used But Very Deadly Weapons in Free Fire

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by: Editorial Team / 12 July 2021

In Free Fire there are lots of weapons that you can use, such as sickest weapon which is where you can kill the enemy very quickly. In addition, to make the weapon more interesting, you can use the skin of the weapon.

To buy skins from these weapons you have to use diamonds. So you have to do Free Fire diamond top up first, after that you can buy the skin from the weapon that you like.

Not only the sickest weapons have the most damage. It turns out that there are some weapons that may be rarely used but are very deadly. Curious about this weapon? Let’s see this one article to the end.

Here are the Rarely Used But Deadly Weapons in Free Fire

When you don’t find the sickest weapon, you can use this weapon that is rarely used but has no less damage than the sickest weapon in Free Fire. Maybe you often encounter this weapon when playing Free Fire, instead of being curious, just take a look below!

1. SVD

The first rarely used weapon exists SVD. This one weapon you may often encounter when you are looting. Even though you often encounter it, surely you have never used this weapon, right?

This SVD weapon turns out to have considerable damage and can kill enemies so quickly. What’s more, you can kill enemies that are far from you. Even so, most Free Fire players often use weapons with medium rather than long range so that SVD weapons are rarely used by Free Fire players.

2. Crossbow

Next there is Crossbow. As long as you know that this weapon can kill enemies with just one shot. That can happen because the Crossbow weapon has a very large damage.

Unfortunately this weapon is very suitable for close range play only. When you don’t have a main weapon, it would be better if you use this one weapon just in case, because the damage given is very large.

3. M1873

Next there is M1873. This weapon should not be taken lightly, even though the attack power of the M1873 weapon is very large and suitable for close combat.

This weapon may be rarely used because the capacity of the ammunition provided only contains 2 bullets, so most Free Fire players ignore this weapon.

4. M1014

The last rarely used weapon is M1014. This weapon belongs to the type of shotgun weapon that has very large damage. Maybe this weapon is often found when you are looting.

The M1014 weapon is rarely used because it stores so little ammunition and is only useful for close combat. As we know that shotgun weapons are very scary when dealing with enemies at close range.

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