How to Create a Twitter Story With Fleets

How to Create a Twitter Story – There is some exciting news for you and other Twitter users. Because Twitter recently released a new feature called Fleets.

With the Fleets feature on Twitter, you can now create stories on the Twitter application.

After all this time, Twitter finally added the Fleets feature so that users can create stories on Twitter.

How to Create a Twitter Story
Create a Twitter Story

That’s why on this occasion we will discuss more about the Fleets feature. We’ll also tell you how to create a story on Twitter.

What is Fleet Twitter?

Fleet is a new breakthrough feature released by Twitter. This Fleet is a new feature on Twitter where you can make tweets that will disappear within 24 hours.

This Fleet feature is similar to the story feature on the WhatsApp application and also Instagram.

The Fleet or Twitter story feature has certainly received a good response from Twitter users.

Those of you who are not comfortable making regular tweets can switch to using the Fleet feature. Because like the WA or IG story, the Fleet that you publish will disappear within 24 hours.

How to Create a Twitter Story

This Fleet or Twitter story is a new feature worth checking out. How to make a Twitter story is also very easy. The following are the steps for creating a story on the Twitter application:

  1. The first step you must first update your Twitter to the latest version.
  2. Open Twitter, then you will see a story feature at the top of the Twitter application.
  3. To create a new Twitter story, you can press the + button above it.
  4. Then you just have to select the photo or video that you want to make a Twitter story. If you don’t want to upload photos or videos, you can also write words on the Twitter story.

Isn’t it easy to make a story on Twitter? Those of you who have a Twitter account can try to make a story with the tutorial that we have presented. That’s all we can say about how to make a story on Twitter, I hope this article is useful for you.


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