How to Level Up Hero Quickly in Mobile Legends

Who is still having trouble raising the hero level in the match? It’s definitely going to be a big burden. Because the level of the hero is very influential when you are fighting with enemy heroes.

Of course you don’t want to be a burden on the team, because it takes a long time to raise the level of the hero you are using. Well, on this occasion we want to tell you how to level up Mobile Legends heroes quickly.

Curious about how? Come on, read this article to the end and understand it well.

Here’s How to Level Up Heroes Quickly in Mobile Legends

1. Often Kill Forest Monsters or Minions

The first way to increase the hero level quickly is to farm (kill) the monsters in the forest, your map area or your opponent’s map, guys.

Our advice, you should prioritize clear lane (cleaning lane), then you can farm in your forest area and try to reach level 2-3. With a strategy like that, you can keep your lane and of course your tower will also be safe from attacks by minions or opposing heroes.

2. Often Kill Turtles

The next way to level up your Mobile Legends hero is by killing turtles. Because by killing the turtle you will get gold and exp like you killed the opponent’s hero, guys. So often you work with a team to kill turtles, guys.

This is because, each team that manages to kill the turtle will get 150 gold for each hero. But there are things you must pay attention to, when you are trying to kill a turtle, there is no enemy hero waiting to steal the turtle you are trying to kill.

Preferably, when the turtle’s blood is almost dying. You can divide teams to patrol to make sure there are no enemies lurking around.

3. Kill Enemies As Often As Possible

In addition to destroying the turret, this Mobile Legends game is also the same as other Moba games, guys. You are required to kill enemy heroes to get exp and gold. Because the gold and exp generated will be greater than you just farming in the forest.

By frequently killing enemy heroes, the heroes you use will also level up faster. But keep in mind guys, make sure you have strengthen Mobile Legends heroes that you use. So that way, when you are dealing with an enemy, the hero you use already has powerful (powerful) damage.

4. Roaming Lane (Exploring All Lanes)

Well, at this point it still has something to do with the first point, guys. In order for your Mobile Legends hero level to rise quickly, you are also really required to roam. This is so that you can help clean up another empty lane. That way you can kill other heroes, clear minions, and get assists while helping your friends kill enemy heroes.

This strategy is usually carried out by players who use hero assassins and tanks. If you apply this method, it is guaranteed that your Mobile Legends hero level will quickly level up.

5. Often Destroys the Turret

The last way to level up the Mobile Legends hero is to destroy the opponent’s turret often. Because the main goal of this MOBA game is to destroy the core of our enemy’s turret, guys. Also make sure your team has a hero who can destroy turrets quickly.

If you destroy the opponent’s turret, you will also get quite a lot of gold and exp. So as much as possible you often destroy the turret or just help a friend destroy the turret in his lane.

So, how is it? It’s enough to explain how to level up the hero quickly in Mobile Legends? As long as you always apply the method we gave earlier, it’s guaranteed that the hero you use will be of a higher level than the other heroes.

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