This Overpower Fighter Hero List in Mobile Legends Will Win the Team!
Article by: Editorial Team / 27 February 2021 Winning a game is something that absolutely must be pursued when playing a game. Members who are solid, don’t put their ego forward, and are pros in playing various heroes are a dream team. Some people are very good at playing assassin heroes but are not interested in trying tank heroes, hero support , etc. In fact, under certain conditions, players must be able to use other types of heroes to achieve victory. If you want to try a fighter hero but are still confused about where to start, you can try some of the following overpowered fighter heroes. Don’t forget to stay mobile legends diamond top up you for a different hero skin from the others. 1 Terizla Terizla is a fighter hero who has a wide range of attacks. With this, Terizla is able to kill opponents easily. Plus a strong burst of damage and crowd control that is enough to make the opponent panic. This hero will scare the opponent, espec